Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για electroluminescent
1. His research is also being used in developing the organic electroluminescent panel, which allows for high image definition on a thin, flat screen.
2. with footrests –– ventilated leather seats, sipping chilled wine from the built–in refrigerator and basking in the gentle glow of sunlight filtered through the electroluminescent roof....Those moments are precious.
3. The display combines Sony‘s organic thin film transistor, or TFT, technology, which is required to make flexible displays, with another kind of technology called organic electroluminescent display, it said.
4. "Our research is mainly to reduce the adverse impact of (earthquakes) on our society." Hiroo Inokuchi at the University of Tokyo received the advanced technology award for his work in organic electronics, which has been applied to the development of organic electroluminescent panels that are seen as a possible next–generation replacement for today‘s liquid–crystal displays.
5. The basic sciences award went to Hiroo Kanamori at the California Institute of Technology for his research on major earthquakes along the Pacific Rim, which has helped in the development of early response systems. Earthquakes cause extreme misery to our society,‘‘ Kanamori said in a statement. Our research is mainly to reduce the adverse impact of (earthquakes) on our society.‘‘ Hiroo Inokuchi at the University of Tokyo received the advanced technology award for his work in organic electronics, which has been applied to the development of organic electroluminescent panels that are seen as a possible next–generation replacement for today‘s liquid–crystal displays.